So often, we let personal preferences, peer pressure, and worries about how to celebrate certain days, especially holidays, cause problems in our relationships with other Christians. In the end, we shouldn’t try to make other people agree with us or follow our lead. We shouldn’t judge someone just because he doesn’t celebrate a special day for the Lord, and we shouldn’t judge someone just because she does. This is a matter of personal conviction that has to do with how much we want to please the Lord and show our respect for him. Let’s not be so afraid that we have to do what everyone else does or make other people do what we want them to do. Instead, let’s remember the right way to look at everything: to honor God with everything we are and to think about the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
So often, we let personal preferences, peer pressure, and worries about how to celebrate certain days, especially holidays, cause problems in our relationships with other Christians. In the end, we shouldn’t try to make other people agree with us or follow our lead. We shouldn’t judge someone just because he doesn’t celebrate a special day for the Lord, and we shouldn’t judge someone just because she does. This is a matter of personal conviction that has to do with how much we want to please the Lord and show our respect for him. Let’s not be so afraid that we have to do what everyone else does or make other people do what we want them to do. Instead, let’s remember the right way to look at everything: to honor God with everything we are and to think about the needs of our brothers and sisters in Christ.
O Father, please forgive us for breaking up the unity of your people because of human traditions and how we feel about them. As for me, Father, please give me the courage to honor Christ according to my beliefs, but also the wisdom to do so in a way that blesses your people and doesn’t cause division. I know that I will never completely reach this goal, but I do believe that with your help, I will find ways to give you the glory you deserve and keep my relationship with your children. Cleanse my heart about this and show me where I need to go. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.