Who do you have to wait for? What could be more exciting than waiting for Jesus to come back and take us home in his glory? Ours isn’t a passive wait, though. Jesus told us to tell everyone in the world about him and invite them to join us in following him. So, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we eagerly wait as we share the good news about Jesus with passion and live with the character and kindness of the Father.
Who do you have to wait for? What could be more exciting than waiting for Jesus to come back and take us home in his glory? Ours isn’t a passive wait, though. Jesus told us to tell everyone in the world about him and invite them to join us in following him. So, with the help of the Holy Spirit, we eagerly wait as we share the good news about Jesus with passion and live with the character and kindness of the Father.
Majestic King of the Ages, grant that your Kingdom come in all its fullness and that every knee will bow to your Savior during our generation. I fervently pray to Jesus. Amen.