We sing “my glory all the cross” in the powerful old hymn “Beneath the Cross of Jesus.” Indeed, this was true of Jesus. Jesus’ path to glory was the cross, because he did not seek renown but rather desired to obey and glorify the Father. When Judas left the Last Supper, the final stages of the process that would lead Jesus to the horrors of Calvary were set in motion. But rather than viewing the cross as a humiliation, Jesus saw it as a way to glorify God.
We sing “my glory all the cross” in the powerful old hymn “Beneath the Cross of Jesus.” Indeed, this was true of Jesus. Jesus’ path to glory was the cross, because he did not seek renown but rather desired to obey and glorify the Father. When Judas left the Last Supper, the final stages of the process that would lead Jesus to the horrors of Calvary were set in motion. But rather than viewing the cross as a humiliation, Jesus saw it as a way to glorify God.
Please forgive me for seeking the recognition and approval of others, Lord. Forgive me for being so egocentric, for considering my own glory rather than yours. Forgive me for trampling on the hearts of others when I was preoccupied with gaining attention for myself. The final week of Jesus’ life jolts me back to reality and teaches me that true greatness consists of serving you completely, regardless of the cost. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.