God’s heart and the Old Testament Law both demonstrate how much he loves the helpless and the forgotten. Stopping being impolite to and neglecting the Greek-speaking widows in Jerusalem was one of the first things the early church did to address a problem inside itself. It was important to both God and them. Paul also emphasizes that widows should still be treated with respect today. (Remember that James had the same concern for widows and orphans.) James 1:27)
God’s heart and the Old Testament Law both demonstrate how much he loves the helpless and the forgotten. Stopping being impolite to and neglecting the Greek-speaking widows in Jerusalem was one of the first things the early church did to address a problem inside itself. It was important to both God and them. Paul also emphasizes that widows should still be treated with respect today. (Remember that James had the same concern for widows and orphans.) James 1:27)
Please pardon me, beloved Father, because there are times when I am so preoccupied with my own opportunities and issues that I fail to check on those in my church family who need my assistance, much alone those who are not Christians but are still in need. To help me better assist them, please touch me with your Spirit so I can hear, see, and comprehend what they need. I appreciate your concern for everyone, and I ask that you consider helping others who are in need by using me as an example. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.