What drives us to do what we do? What drives us to do what we do? It’s so simple to perform religious things to make oneself appear good in the eyes of others. This is true even when our society rejects our beliefs. People who are familiar with our religion and other Christians in our life become the focal point of our activities. Even though we wish to have the proper type of impact on everyone around us, we should never make spiritual service choices primarily on how others will perceive it. Our purpose should be to pleasing God while also helping others.
What drives us to do what we do? What drives us to do what we do? It’s so simple to perform religious things to make oneself appear good in the eyes of others. This is true even when our society rejects our beliefs. People who are familiar with our religion and other Christians in our life become the focal point of our activities. Even though we wish to have the proper type of impact on everyone around us, we should never make spiritual service choices primarily on how others will perceive it. Our purpose should be to pleasing God while also helping others.
Almighty God, please purge any erroneous motives from my heart and enable me to serve others out of a desire to please you by meeting their needs. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.