LINKAMEN PTE. LTD. is a Singapore-based technology company comprising a team of 20 exceptional individuals dedicated to crafting top-notch products for a global audience. Among our cherished creations is the Daily Bible app, embraced by users worldwide. This application serves as a tool for prayer and comprehension of diverse Biblical passages. In addition to this, LINKAMEN PTE. LTD. remains committed to making meaningful contributions to the digital landscape, enhancing people's joy through innovative app experiences. Address: 111 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD #29-06A PENINSULA PLAZA SINGAPORE (179098) Contact email:
And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. — Romans 12:2
AAnndd bbee nnoott ccoonnffoorrmmeedd ttoo tthhiiss wwoorrlldd:: bbuutt bbee yyee ttrraannssffoorrmmeedd bbyy tthhee rreenneewwiinngg ooff yyoouurr mmiinndd,, tthhaatt yyee mmaayy pprroovvee wwhhaatt iiss tthhaatt ggoooodd,, aanndd aacccceeppttaabbllee,, aanndd ppeerrffeecctt,, wwiillll ooff GGoodd..  RRoommaannss 1122::22

And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. — Romans 12:2

Don’t let the world shape you. Wow, that’s a hard one to follow. It reminds us that what we think is one of the most dangerous places for spiritual battles. We are constantly given messages that distort God’s truth and holy values. This makes us think in a sloppy way, which is more than just sloppy, it’s dangerous. But instead of getting angry when people in the world act like people in the world, let’s change by renewing our minds and doing what Paul said he did: take every thought and word captive for Christ. We often think that a tithe is giving ten percent of our money, but an even more important tithe is giving ten percent of our completely undivided thought time to the things of God.



Don’t let the world shape you. Wow, that’s a hard one to follow. It reminds us that what we think is one of the most dangerous places for spiritual battles. We are constantly given messages that distort God’s truth and holy values. This makes us think in a sloppy way, which is more than just sloppy, it’s dangerous. But instead of getting angry when people in the world act like people in the world, let’s change by renewing our minds and doing what Paul said he did: take every thought and word captive for Christ. We often think that a tithe is giving ten percent of our money, but an even more important tithe is giving ten percent of our completely undivided thought time to the things of God.



O Lord, please protect my soul from pride, my heart from hardness, and my mind from focusing too much on unimportant things and not enough on your things. Teach me in my heart what it means to be doing my Father’s work, especially in my mind! In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.

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