LINKAMEN PTE. LTD. is a Singapore-based technology company comprising a team of 20 exceptional individuals dedicated to crafting top-notch products for a global audience. Among our cherished creations is the Daily Bible app, embraced by users worldwide. This application serves as a tool for prayer and comprehension of diverse Biblical passages. In addition to this, LINKAMEN PTE. LTD. remains committed to making meaningful contributions to the digital landscape, enhancing people's joy through innovative app experiences. Address: 111 NORTH BRIDGE ROAD #29-06A PENINSULA PLAZA SINGAPORE (179098) Contact email:
And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. — Matthew 2:4
AAnndd wwhheenn hhee hhaadd ggaatthheerreedd aallll tthhee cchhiieeff pprriieessttss aanndd ssccrriibbeess ooff tthhee ppeeooppllee ttooggeetthheerr,, hhee ddeemmaannddeedd ooff tthheemm wwhheerree CChhrriisstt sshhoouulldd bbee bboorrnn..  MMaatttthheeww 22::44

And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. — Matthew 2:4

“Whoever comes first will come last, and whoever comes last will come first.” One of Jesus’ favorite things to say was this. Isn’t it strange that God said it before he was even born? Isn’t it interesting that it was also said by people who knew the Bible but didn’t know Jesus? Isn’t it interesting that Herod and Jesus lived it thirty years before Jesus taught it? Isn’t it interesting that Jesus gave us the Lord’s Supper to remember that even though he died and shed his blood, he rose again on Sunday, the first day of the week? When it really matters, Jesus and his followers will come in first.



“Whoever comes first will come last, and whoever comes last will come first.” One of Jesus’ favorite things to say was this. Isn’t it strange that God said it before he was even born? Isn’t it interesting that it was also said by people who knew the Bible but didn’t know Jesus? Isn’t it interesting that Herod and Jesus lived it thirty years before Jesus taught it? Isn’t it interesting that Jesus gave us the Lord’s Supper to remember that even though he died and shed his blood, he rose again on Sunday, the first day of the week? When it really matters, Jesus and his followers will come in first.



You, O Lord, are marvelous. You are God Almighty, the Creator who is holy and powerful. But you chose to be the least so that I could share in your glory. Please help me, God, to never look down on someone because they don’t look as good as I do. Father, I know that when I help and love them, I’m also helping and loving you. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.

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