God has moved away from our sins as far as the sun goes from rising to setting. But the important word is taken out. When we mess up and apologize to God, he doesn’t just forgive us. He also cleans us of all wrongdoing. What was wrong with me is now right with him. What used to be dirty is now clean. What was dirty is now clean. Why? How? We can now see more clearly what the Psalmist could only know in part. God doesn’t look at our sins, but at what Jesus did for us. His blood makes us clean and pure. Sin is gone, and we are clean.
God has moved away from our sins as far as the sun goes from rising to setting. But the important word is taken out. When we mess up and apologize to God, he doesn’t just forgive us. He also cleans us of all wrongdoing. What was wrong with me is now right with him. What used to be dirty is now clean. What was dirty is now clean. Why? How? We can now see more clearly what the Psalmist could only know in part. God doesn’t look at our sins, but at what Jesus did for us. His blood makes us clean and pure. Sin is gone, and we are clean.
Thank you, Father of mercies, for not only pardoning but also cleansing me of my sins. I am grateful that because of the blood of Jesus and your gracious desire to pardon, I can stand before you holy and faultless. I now ask you, Holy Father, to empower me with your Holy Spirit so that my actions will be a reflection of how highly you hold me in Jesus. In Jesus’s precious name I pray. Amen.