Most people who can read this Internet message don’t understand what this verse is about. But among people who study persecution closely, Christians may be going through the most trouble ever in the history of Christianity. For those of us who live in comfortable places where belief is accepted and Christians are just called “uncool” or “out of touch,” we should be thankful that our lives are different enough from the culture around us to be noticed, even if it’s not in a good way. But we also need to pray for other Christians around the world who are suffering the punishment of hell for their faith.
Most people who can read this Internet message don’t understand what this verse is about. But among people who study persecution closely, Christians may be going through the most trouble ever in the history of Christianity. For those of us who live in comfortable places where belief is accepted and Christians are just called “uncool” or “out of touch,” we should be thankful that our lives are different enough from the culture around us to be noticed, even if it’s not in a good way. But we also need to pray for other Christians around the world who are suffering the punishment of hell for their faith.
Great Deliverer, many people who call on your name because they believe in Jesus face trouble and persecution every day. I hope they don’t lose hope and stop believing in themselves. I’m praying that you will save us from this time of trouble. I pray that their pain will be a powerful witness, so that others will come to see how important Jesus is and why we follow him. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.