We live in a period where elderly folks are often overlooked. This is also true for company personnel. This is also true in churches, which often tend to the younger or wealthier members while disregarding the elderly or less powerful members. Let us not forget that God is concerned with what happens to everyone of us, regardless of who we are or how old we are.
We live in a period where elderly folks are often overlooked. This is also true for company personnel. This is also true in churches, which often tend to the younger or wealthier members while disregarding the elderly or less powerful members. Let us not forget that God is concerned with what happens to everyone of us, regardless of who we are or how old we are.
I am certain that you, Almighty God, would never abandon or forget me. I cling to the assurance that nothing can separate me from your love because of Christ Jesus. Father, however, I see so many elderly people who are neglected and alone that I am worried that I will too be feeble and alone in my latter days. Please give me the confidence to confide in you and put my troubles in your capable hands. Most importantly, Father, I ask that You be glorified in my body, both now and at my death, both when I am well and when I am ill. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.