Unity and peace are not by chance! They happen because people want them to and let them. But they are more than just ways of being. God tells us to do them. How do we work together and get along? Peter reminds us of three things we must do as “church” people: 1) actively share the sorrows and worries of those who are hurting; 2) love each other the way a healthy family loves and values each member; and 3) deal with the mistakes of others that hurt us with compassion instead of arrogance, knowing that we can sin and hurt those we love, too.
Unity and peace are not by chance! They happen because people want them to and let them. But they are more than just ways of being. God tells us to do them. How do we work together and get along? Peter reminds us of three things we must do as “church” people: 1) actively share the sorrows and worries of those who are hurting; 2) love each other the way a healthy family loves and values each member; and 3) deal with the mistakes of others that hurt us with compassion instead of arrogance, knowing that we can sin and hurt those we love, too.
Father, I’m sorry that I’ve let my overly sensitive self get hurt and acted like a baby when my Christian brothers and sisters didn’t treat me the way I thought I deserved. I know that the people who made Jesus were rude and shameful to him, so I shouldn’t be surprised when bad things happen to me. But, Father, please help me know when to confront those who hurt me in a loving way and when to just ignore the jab and find a way to help them because a deeper wound has left them unable to live their lives. Father, use me as a way to spread your peace, unity, grace, and harmony. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.