Being pure is hard in a world with so many distractions and temptations. Even though it is hard, the call to be pure is often forgotten or ignored. “Cheap grace” (Jude 4) is used in place of a call to live with passion. Even though we don’t want to give in to a works-righteousness mentality, we must also remember that impurity caused by laziness, lack of commitment, or just plain rebellion taints those who say they are Christians and destroys our influence in front of the world who is watching.
Being pure is hard in a world with so many distractions and temptations. Even though it is hard, the call to be pure is often forgotten or ignored. “Cheap grace” (Jude 4) is used in place of a call to live with passion. Even though we don’t want to give in to a works-righteousness mentality, we must also remember that impurity caused by laziness, lack of commitment, or just plain rebellion taints those who say they are Christians and destroys our influence in front of the world who is watching.
God, purify my mind, my will, my body, and my influence. I pray that my thoughts and words are pure in your eyes. I want to honor you as only you are deserving of honor and to be as holy as you are. Only you are God! In Jesus’s precious name I pray. Amen.