Everything! All! No matter what we say or do, Jesus’s name, power, and honor should be attached to it as a gift of thanks to God. This means that everything we do in life is a way to honor and thank God. There’s no such thing as going to worship. Everything we do, from living to talking to acting, is worship and should always include giving thanks. So, how have you been worshipping lately?
Everything! All! No matter what we say or do, Jesus’s name, power, and honor should be attached to it as a gift of thanks to God. This means that everything we do in life is a way to honor and thank God. There’s no such thing as going to worship. Everything we do, from living to talking to acting, is worship and should always include giving thanks. So, how have you been worshipping lately?
I want to live my life, Almighty and Most Holy God, for your glory and as a living memorial of gratitude for the mercy you have shown me in Jesus. I sincerely offer you my words, my actions, my heart, and my mind to do your will, even though I don’t always do this as well as I’d like to. I beg you to use your Spirit to purge self-deception from my life so that my discipleship can truly serve as the worship of your majesty it was intended to be. In Jesus’s precious name I pray. Amen.