For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord. — Luke 2:11
A baby in a feed trough was the sign for the shepherds. Isn’t that a pretty strong sign? The All-Powerful One who made everything is …
A baby in a feed trough was the sign for the shepherds. Isn’t that a pretty strong sign? The All-Powerful One who made everything is …
The way the shepherds felt when they saw the baby Jesus is exactly how we will feel when Jesus comes back: we will praise and …
Isaiah said that even though Jesus is God’s Son and Mary’s son, he is also ours. Jesus is the child that God gave to the …
God’s gift to Simeon was very special and made him feel very moved. Still, Simeon is a symbol for all people from every country, race, …
Praise must not just come from our lips. We must praise God from the bottom of our hearts because of all the good things he …
It’s nice to be invited to rest in Jesus at the end of the year. So, before we start a new year, let’s stop and …
He’ll be back! As much as the world likes to think about Jesus’ first coming during Christmas, we need to remind them that his second …
This world is a hard place to live. Yes, we can get away from the fight for a while. We can find a way to …
Jesus had to take on the people’s sins before he could save them (and us) from them (2 Corinthians 5:21; 1 John 4:10). His own …
Giving thanks means more than just being thankful to God. It also means telling other people about the good things he has done so they …