I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. — Psalm 121:1
In a world with stunning beauty and a universe full of amazing variety, our hearts should be drawn back to the One who made it …
In a world with stunning beauty and a universe full of amazing variety, our hearts should be drawn back to the One who made it …
Seek God’s rule over your life and the righteous behavior that he wants you to have every day. All of the other things you do …
Joy comes from God, not from things. Joy comes from knowing that he will always be with me, help me, protect me, and hold me …
The Holy Spirit is God’s constant gift, his promise, and his seal. The Spirit is our promise that what he started with Jesus’ death on …
Unity and peace are not by chance! They happen because people want them to and let them. But they are more than just ways of …
God’s blessings come before our sacrifices when we are called to give up ourselves for others. When all the “if”s are changed to “since,” the …
How can you tell if God lives in your heart? You can tell when you are doing kind things to make other people’s lives better. …
Who is truly wise can be seen by how loving and humble they are. People are often proud, but the Lord thinks they are worse …
Grace is about what happened before and what happened after. “I used to be lost, but now I’m found, and I used to be blind, …
Do you remember one of the Bible’s very first questions? “Where is Abel, your brother?” Cain answered, “Am I my brother’s caretaker?” Paul’s answer is …