Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. — 1 John 4:11
Can you imagine how special it is to have the Lord God Almighty, who made the whole universe, live inside you? And this is exactly …
Can you imagine how special it is to have the Lord God Almighty, who made the whole universe, live inside you? And this is exactly …
It’s just some harmless chitchat. The Wise Teacher tells us that talking about other people is neither small nor safe. Its effects are huge, and …
What a great world it would be if we didn’t need laws to keep people in line! This is the point of what Paul is …
What should we be afraid of now that God sent his Son to die for us? What do we have to fear if God’s love …
God is incredibly merciful and generous. That makes us happy, doesn’t it? I don’t know about you, but I am aware that I have sinned, …
Everything is simple as pie. God cherishes us. He is the source, the architect, and the creator of love. Because he first loved me, I …
Some things are simply easy to understand. I should love God with everything I am and have, and I should love other people and treat …
Love means taking action. This is repeated throughout the Bible. Love must be expressed both verbally and physically. The source of love is God. He …
Humble yourselves. That sounds really bad. At least, it sounds rude to the self-promotion culture of “get ahead at all costs” and “don’t look back, …
Love is not about me, but about other people. Each of these characteristics of love is based on a caring, forgiving, and kind attitude that …