In him was life; and the life was the light of men. — John 1:4
Life! Not just living, but true, genuine life. Life that gives us light that can’t be taken away by darkness. God sent Jesus because of …
Life! Not just living, but true, genuine life. Life that gives us light that can’t be taken away by darkness. God sent Jesus because of …
Even though many of us are spiritually and physically well-off, many of God’s people go through hard times. You may be one of those who …
Jesus came so we could see God and be saved from our enemies. But today, Christians are being attacked in hard parts of the world …
If the Bible is a love story, then hope is its central idea. God always gives his people reasons to hope for a better tomorrow, …
This is obviously a part of the story that old Scrooge hasn’t read! God has always put something aside to help the poor. At this …
Don’t whine or fight! We don’t usually think of these things when we think of purity and innocence. Paul was very close to and knew …
Not only should our praise make God happy, but it should also make the poor happy and joyful on the streets. Why? Because praise gives …
As many of us move on from Thanksgiving and into Advent, we remember the most important reason we have to be thankful: Jesus’ coming. After …
When was the last time you sang praises to God outside of church or a devotional service? Why not open the Psalms and find a …
God said that the good people and the bad people would be separated. In his parables, Jesus told the same message over and over again. …