Hope, joy, and peace all sound great. For these two blessings to be a part of our lives, we need two things. First, we have to believe that God will take care of our needs and get us where we need to go. Second, we hope that the Holy Spirit’s power will bless us and give us God’s qualities.
Hope, joy, and peace all sound great. For these two blessings to be a part of our lives, we need two things. First, we have to believe that God will take care of our needs and get us where we need to go. Second, we hope that the Holy Spirit’s power will bless us and give us God’s qualities.
Great and Powerful God, give me more faith that you are close by and want to help. Dear Father, please bless me and give me the strength to become the person you want me to be. Fill me with your Spirit so that I can live my life here on earth more like Jesus did. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.