“Him who is Able to Do Immeasurably More” is my favorite name for God in the Bible. Our God is the same God who split the Red Sea and fed 5,000 people on a green hillside with just a couple of sardine sandwiches. He wants to do more than we can even think of or ask of him. Unfortunately, most of us haven’t given him much of a challenge with our weak dreams and weak prayers. Let’s dream big dreams for God. Then hold on for a ride that is even better than we can imagine.
“Him who is Able to Do Immeasurably More” is my favorite name for God in the Bible. Our God is the same God who split the Red Sea and fed 5,000 people on a green hillside with just a couple of sardine sandwiches. He wants to do more than we can even think of or ask of him. Unfortunately, most of us haven’t given him much of a challenge with our weak dreams and weak prayers. Let’s dream big dreams for God. Then hold on for a ride that is even better than we can imagine.
Do the same things you did in the past, Almighty and Awesome God. Give us the faith to believe, and then show us how small our faith was. Show us your plan and make us believe you want to do bigger things. We ask this not for ourselves or our reputations, but for your glory and the salvation of our world. In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.