The Golden Rule is called “golden” because it is real, true, and helpful. Imagine how different our world would be if we followed this rule not just in our “church life” but in everything we did: with our family, our coworkers, our boss, the people we manage, the people we pass on the freeway and in our neighborhoods, and the people who serve us. How different the world would be if everyone followed the Golden Rule. I think it will start to change my life today. What do you think?
The Golden Rule is called “golden” because it is real, true, and helpful. Imagine how different our world would be if we followed this rule not just in our “church life” but in everything we did: with our family, our coworkers, our boss, the people we manage, the people we pass on the freeway and in our neighborhoods, and the people who serve us. How different the world would be if everyone followed the Golden Rule. I think it will start to change my life today. What do you think?
Father, you are such a generous man to have given me so many wonderful and valuable things. I will never be able to thank you enough for everything. I want you to know one thing, dear Father: I really value how you have treated me with grace and not with justice or judgment. Give me the ability to impact those in my life in the same way this week. In Jesus’s precious name I pray. Amen.